When you see the change that families thought would never come and realize it’s because of you. That’s when you know all of your passion and hard work has changed a young person’s life – and their family’s. You bring the passion, and we’ll provide you with the guidance, tools, and resources you need to reach our goals. We want you to grow with us as we grow to serve more children and young adults across the country.

New Story

At New Story, we believe in the incredible potential of each child and young adult. Our education, therapeutic and clinical programs are designed to meet the needs of each child to promote their achievement, growth, and development. We offer a comprehensive spectrum of support for children and young adults with special needs, drawing from the diverse histories, legacies, expertise, and methodologies of our network of companies. Together, we empower children and young adults to reach their highest potential.

new story at a glance

First School Opened in PA
Locations Nationwide
Students Enrolled
0 +
States Served


ABA Therapy
Special Education
Alternative Education
Mental Health


Our accolades